The year of 1968, when I was fifteen, was a very strange year, and a very difficult year in which to be a teenager. Not only were we doing our first drugs at that time, but the nation was doing some major freaking out also.
That year we lost all our heroes, and we learned that one only had a certain amount of free speech in the U.S.A. Raise too much hell, and the powers that be send you there. Ask RFK, MLK, and so many others that died in 68. Even a fifteen year old could see that they'd taken JFK and his brother the same way, shots to the head. I think we all got the message.
And over 126 American cities burned in riots that year, largely in response to the killing of Martin Luther King. By that time, I was perhaps too dejected to be violent. I was more inclined to sit in a corner and wonder where I was and what I was doing here. By age fifteen, it was a pertinent question for an American boy to ask. I was then three years from my probable future in the rice paddies of Vietnam.
And after that stunning democratic convention and it's riots in Chicago, we elected Nixon. Most of us decided our future was doomed with that event. Somehow we'd deluded ourselves through the sixties, into thinking we had power as citizens. We didn't have nearly as much as we assumed.
So 1969 rolled around, and that was also one turbulent year. We'd heard the horror of the TET offensive in Vietnam, with all its death and destruction. We'd seen some of our classmates come home in a box by then. The war was finally sinking into the social zeitgeist which up to that time, had still been absorbed in a patriotic fervor left over from World War Two. Our parents couldn't fathom the government doing anything untoward. We were supposed to live like Ozzie and Harriet.
69 featured the taking of People's Park in Berkeley, California. Only one innocent person was killed by the police in that skirmish. James Rector was just passing by when he found a bullet, and probably wasn't even involved in the protest. Just a student. He'd be joined by four more souls the next year after the national guard decided to kill four students at Kent State. Meanwhile, in my little town in Missouri, I was constantly getting kicked out of school simply for wearing a black arm band in protest of the Vietnam war. Apparently my other high crime was trying to grow my hair. But it kept touching my collar, which would also get you kicked out of school in those days.
But having said all this, it was the best of times and the worst of times, but it was an exhilarating time to grow up and turn sixteen. I encountered Owlsley's Berkeley Brown Dot Acid that year. And my world changed, right along with thousands of other kids.
But there was also Woodstock, which was our shining time. There was also the lively Paul is dead rumor, which helped to occupy our otherwise troubled minds.
A few students, and one in particular, were looking into this little known rumor that actually had begun quite awhile before 69. This student made a very timely phone call into a radio station in Detroit, Michigan. He asked the DJ to play Revolution #9 backwards. This was a very weird thing for a DJ to do, as it pretty well destroys a vinyl record. But he did, and he heard the words clearly, "turn me on, dead man!"
Well, this was a large and popular radio station back then, and that set a fire of speculation and the new trend of playing our records backwards. There are some very interesting reverse things on Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. So record sales were mighty big that year, with all these kids playing them all backwards. I often wonder if the record companies were devious enough to use and create this trend.
Well, I have recently spent some "quality" time examining this issue again. And I am actually still undecided.
Now, I have always considered myself to be rather logical and level headed. I have held positions of great responsibility in the newspaper industry. So apparently, others thought me of sound mind as well. So, how can a guy who has had to think logically most of his life, be on the fence on the Paul is Dead rumor? Pros at this investigation call it PID.
A friend of mine, Tina Foster, does extensive research in this area. Tina is very intelligent and also holds a position of responsibility. And she is firmly convinced that not only Paul was replaced, but all the Beatles were replaced. And she has narrowed it down to their American tour in August of 1966. Well, friends can disagree, eh?
And during my review of this issue, I have enlisted the help of two British friends as well. Mark Devlin is a well known DJ, specializing in hip hop music. Mark has done extensive research on the MK Ultra program, and how it probably related to the music industry. His work is very good, and I highly recommend you look him up on
Neil Sanders holds two college degrees, and also does extensive research into MK Ultra, though with a much broader scope than does Mark. Neil is a great public speaker on many subjects, but his work on the MK Ultra program, and that of the Tavistock Institute in London, is very good. I highly recommend readers look up Neil on google, and peruse his work. It is fascinating.
The third ally in this investigation, has been author David McGowan, who has written a fascinating book on the hippie and music culture that existed in the Laurel Canyon neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. David lives nearby Laurel Canyon and has researched the sites of his reporting. The biographical information of so many stars in that era and area, leaves very little doubt that at least the CIA was heavily involved in that community.
I will give a few examples of what these folks have discovered. Jim Morrison of the Doors, has an interesting background. His father was in command of the Naval battle group that was involved in the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident. That fictitious incident, as later admitted by then Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, was the excuse for Lyndon B. Johnson, who was sworn in as president upon the death of John F. Kennedy, to insert major ground troops into South Vietnam. It was the turning point in our recent history, and I believe a real coup d'etat. I believe JFK's assassination was the result of the powers that be losing control due to Kennedy's rebellious attitude toward many delicate and long standing U.S. policies. He wanted to cooperate with the USSR in our space ventures. He wanted to disclose information about UFOs. He had the audacity to print treasury note money in defiance of the Federal Reserve Bank. He made numerous enemies, not to mention Bobby Kennedy's pursuit of organized crime, which was the first major push since the days of Eliot Ness and the Untouchables. But that theory needs a post of it's own.
Suffice to say there is a photo of a crew cut wearing Jim in uniform, standing next to his dad on the bridge of some Navy ship, and this was taken two years before he was singing with the Doors. And Jim Morrison is only one example of rock stars with military backgrounds. Take Frank Zappa, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Gene Parsons, Jack Nicholson, Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, and the list goes on and on. For example, it is said that Paul McCartney was introduced to Charles Manson and they spent an entire evening talking.
The point is that all three of these previously mentioned authors and researchers, believe that the MK Ultra mind control programming of the CIA was in full swing in 1969, and largely centered on Hollywood and it's minions. In fact, they believe that our media is strictly controlled and used for manipulation of American society. Their theories are based on the powers that be and their desire to thwart any disadvantageous social movements, through manipulation of media and the ability to bend our minds in the desired direction through basic propaganda methods.
But these rock stars were probably not paid agents of the military/industrial establishment, but unwitting victims of the MK Ultra mind control programs begun in the 1950s. Timothy Leary himself said he loved the CIA, because they were responsible for introducing acid to the masses. It is said the CIA tried to purchase several pounds of acid from European makers. But only about forty grams were produced at that time. And it only takes 18 mics of acid to make one hit, or one twelve hour trip. So forty grams could probably stone New York City several times over! So imagine several pounds of the stuff. Wow, we'd still be tripping on that amount, as would our grandchildren. The military thought it could produce a super soldier, but only made them lay down their guns and giggle. So they decided that if given to those pesky protesters, it would confuse them and make them ineffective. However, I think that plan backfired. I think the idea may have been sound, but it didn't work when the acid just made people more dedicated.
However, the evidence is stunning that many entertainers were most probably subjected to MK Ultra mind control, and were used as mouth pieces to push the agenda, then and up to the present day. In fact, it is more prevalent now than in 1969. So is there mind control influence in our entertainment? I think there can be no doubt of that.
So could those powers that be, most likely in this instance the Tavistock Institute, replace a Beatle without our knowing? Sure. Wouldn't even be that difficult if you could find a talented musician who resembled Paul. A few plastic surgery procedures, and perhaps prosthetic devices and good makeup might get the job done.
I will digress again here to point out how easily this could have been accomplished. I have met the ultimate Beatles cover band, Rain. They have performed on Broadway, in movies, and around the world. If you close your eyes, you get fooled by them. You would swear you are listening to the Beatles, right down to the accents they use to speak with the audience. And the guy who plays Paul, looks a lot like the real guy. The point here, is that one could replace Paul with the proper resources, as it is not far fetched at all. Rain kind of proves that for me.
Then there is the forensic evidence. For instance, voice prints were done on three Beatles songs stated to have been sung by Paul. According to the prints, which are used as admissible court evidence, those three songs are sung by three different people. And two European college professors in the proper fields, analyzed Paul's head from thousands of photos, and stated it cannot be the same person, as there are discrepancies that cannot be altered by surgery. I won't go into the details here, but will refer you to Tina Foster's blog,
This forensic evidence is very compelling. And there is the fact that the Beatles stopped touring, and had a hiatus before recording Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band released in 67. And for several years, they kept a low profile and were somewhat dysfunctional except in the recording studio. So the timing works as well for a replacement.
In fact, there is ample evidence to raise much suspicion around that band. But they aren't the only ones who were perhaps manipulated, as so was a very large group of musicians and actors. And there is just so much evidence to that effect, that even though I am kicking and screaming all the way, I must take it into my consideration. After all, forensic evidence is very hard to argue with any effect. That is the most factual evidence of the discrepancies with Paul over the years.
But, it is also very hard to tell just how much of this was deliberate, and how much was a hoax. While I lean toward the possible replacement of Paul, I don't lean that way with the rest of the band. And that being the case, it would require one hell of a conspiracy to cover up the replacement of Paul. Though I will say that the band seemed to never recover from 1966. And that all members seemed pretty sad. What happened between the frolicking happy kids of 1966, and the brooding guys of 67?
One thing was the death of Brian Epstein. I think the band never recovered from that. Particularly Lennon. And I think the death of Stu Sutcliff followed by Brian's death, forced that happy go lucky attitude to change and perhaps, mature.
Then there is the ages of those guys. They were at the age when one begins to truly grow into an adult. There is a big psychological change in one after living in the broader world for a few years, and it seems to fall in the later twenties. There are also physical changes in one around that age, when the metabolism begins to run at a different rate, and weight tends to gather around one's belly, and it also sometimes signals the beginning of those mysterious aches and pains adults seem to suffer that younger folks don't. There are many changes that occur at that age. So it is also quite possible that accounts for much of the difference in the band in those days. But it doesn't account for Paul's different physiology. I certainly wish other academics would take a look into the transformation of Paul's anatomy.
But whether Paul is dead or not, makes little difference. However, it illustrates a very important point, and that is the point of social manipulation by influencing youth through entertainment and it's inherent propaganda potential. If you control the music and the movies, you control the minds of teenagers, who later grow into adults. And the MK Ultra program showed how effectively they could manipulate an individual's mind. In fact, it is my suspicion that Sirhan Sirhan and Mark David Chapman were victims of mind control, and were therefore perfect assassins.
There is a large amount of evidence that this has gone on in the past, and is most likely going stronger today. After all, practice makes perfect, they say.
I will probably go into this mind control phenomena later in more detail, as it has made me reevaluate my youth and my generation. I don't much like it, but I also cannot deny it either. later, rw
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